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来源:中国会计视野   发布时间:2015-10-30  作者:视野   编辑:wennie

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南开大学经济学系毕业。在天津社科院从事财经理论研究期间,撰写发表了大量的有关国有企业机制创新及经济体制改革的论文,成为中国经济理论研究发展的见证人和参与者。曾担任中国财经报社新闻中心主任、职务编委,期间策划报道了“百姓感受财政十大话题”、 “财税优惠政策在基层”、“今日父母官”、“省以下财政体制改革行”、 “邓小平财经思想在中国的实践”、“走遍中国”及“少数民族大家庭经济纵深行”等等。

Editor in chief of CAN (China Aounting News), senior editor,experts of the state news professional senior position qualificationevaluation. For many years engaged in finance research and news reports, hasparticipated in numerous reports of Boao forum for , the world enomicforum, fortune forum, financial forum, etc. In addition to the enomicsituation to write extensive financial mmentary, also anized articipate in a large number of news monographic report, and obtained highreputation in the industry.

Graduatedfrom the department of enomics of Nankai university. During the period ofTianjin Academy of social sciences research in financial and enomic theory,written and published a large number of state-owned enterprise mechanisminnovation and the reform of the enomic system of the paper, as chineseenomic development theory witnesses and participants. Served as the post ofdirector of news center in Finance and enomics newspaper, during planningreported that "the people feel fiscal ten ics", "taxpreferential policies at the grassroots level", "official today","reform of fiscal system under province", "Deng Xiaopingthought of Finance and enomics in china practice", "throughchina" and "the minority family enomic depth" and so on.

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