出生日期及出生地:1963年6月24日 日本京都
现任职务:日本大阪关西大学商学院 教授
• 中岛道靖、国部胜彦,《物质流成本会计(MFCA)(第二版)》,日本经济新闻出版社,2008年(获日本成本会计学会奖)
• Bernd Wagner、中岛道靖、Martina Prox,“Materialflusskostenrechnungdie international Karrire einer Methode zu Identifikation von Ineffizienzen in Produktionssystemen”,《UWF – UMWELTWIRTSCHAFTSFORUM (Springer)》2010年第18卷第3-4合期,第197-202页
• Mario Schmidt、中岛道靖,“物质流成本会计(MFCA)——制造业公司提高资源利用率的工具”,《资源》2013年第2-3合期,第358-369页
• 中岛道靖、木村麻子、Bernd Wagner,“在供应链中引入物质流成本会计(MFCA)——关于建设提高资源利用率的低碳供应链的问卷调查研究”,《清洁生产》JCLP 4832第1-8页
• 其他研究成果
• 于2008年1月16日至2008年2月8日担任德国奥格斯堡大学可持续性供应链管理方向访问教授
• 于2015年9月16日至2016年9月15日担任德国奥格斯堡大学访问学者
CurrentPosition: Professor, Faculty of Business and merce, Kansai University, OsakaJAPAN
AcademicDegree: Master of Business Administration, Management Aounting, Osaka CityUniversity,
MainResearch Field:Environmental Management Aounting, specific for Material Flowst
MainSocial Issues: a main member of the mittees to develop environmentalmanagement aounting
tools,sponsored by Japanese Ministry of Enomy, Trade and Industry (more than
10years in the past), presently Japanese delegation of WG8 of
ISO/TC207(ISO14000families), and so on.
M.Nakajima & Kokubu K. (2008), Material Flow st Aounting, 2nd, Nikkei
Publishing.(in Japanese, the Prize of the Japan st Aounting Association)
B.Wagner, M. Nakajima, M. Prox. (2010), “ Materialflusskostenrechnung—Die
internationalekarriere einer methode zur identifizierung von ineffizienzen in
produktionssystemen”,Umweltwirtschaftsforum, 18, pp. 197–202. (in German)
M.Schmidt and M. Nakajima. (2013), “Material Flow st Aounting as an
Approachto Improve Resource Efficiency in Manufacturing panies”,
Resources,2(3), pp. 358-369. (in English)
M.Nakajima & Kimura, A. (2014), “Challenges to Implement Material Flow st
Aounting(MFCA) in Supply Chain Management: Through Case Study on a
Buyer-SuppliersWorkshop”, The Journal of st Aounting Research, Vol. 38,
No.1, pp. 59-69. (in Japanese, the Prize of the Japan st Aounting Association)
M.Nakajima, Kimura, A. & Wagner, B. (2014), “Introduction of MFCA to the
SupplyChain: A Questionnaire Study on the Challenges of nstructing a
Low-CarbonSupply Chain to Promote Resource Efficiency”, Journal of Cleaner
Production,JCLP 4832, pp. 1-8. (in English), and so on.
VisitingProfessor of Sustainable Supply Chain Management, from 16 Jan. 2008 to
08Feb. 2008, University of Augsburg, Germany.
VisitingScholar, from 16 Sept 2015 to 15 Sept 2016), University of Augsburg,