2024公共会计师协会集团(IPA Group)会员大会将于11月28日召开,有关议程请会员查收11月6日IPA Group发出的正式邮件通知,邮件主题为“2024 Notice of Annual General Meeting”。欢迎会员关注并报名出席会议,参与重大事项决议。会议有关信息见下:
会议地址Location: Sheraton Grand Mirage Resort* |168-190 Port Douglas Road, Port Douglas, QLD
注:会议同时开放线下和线上参与方式,中国区会员在注册时选择“Virtual Registration – IPA Annual General Meeting 2024”可线上参会,线上参会无投票权。
会议时间Date: Wednesday, 28 November 2024commencing at 7.00am (AEST) (北京时间: 11月29日14:30)
注册截止Registration Close: Friday, 22November 2024 at 5.00pm (AEST) (北京时间:11月22日14:00)
- To confirm minutes of the previous AnnualGeneral Meeting held on Tuesday, 28 November 2023.
- To receive, consider and adopt theIntegrated Report of the Board of Directors and the audited financialstatements of the IPA for the financial year ended 30 June 2024.
- To approve the amendments to Clauses 4(11),13(3), 23(2), 23(3), 23(5), 98(1), 98(2)(a) to (c), 98(2)(f) and (h), 98(3)(b)and (c), 98(3)(g) and (h), 99, 104(3), 108A(1) and 108B of the Constitution asproposed by the Board of Directors.
- To consider other business that may belawfully brought forward.
* The AGM will bestreamed for members not able to be present at the meeting.
Members joining the AGM via the live stream willdo so as observers only and will be encouraged to register a Proxy to be ableto vote at the meeting
点击此处前往IPA Group全球官网了解详情并注册报名。